Brisbane killed Georges Perec, Brisbane, St Lucia and Joh Bjelke-Petersen killed OUILIPO’s star. Perec, who looked very much like a marsupial touched down at Eagle Farm in late August 1981 to be writer-in-residence in the French Department at the University of Queensland for 53 days. Stendhal took 53 days to dictate The Charterhouse of Parma in 1839 and Georges Perec decided he was going to also write a novel in 53 days, precociously called 53 Days , a detective novel like a Chinese puzzle but he never finished it because Australia killed him. “C’est l’Australie qui m’a foutu mal!” he said shortly before he died in Paris. Some say it was the cigarettes, but I know it was Queensland that gave him cancer. C’est l’Australie qui m’a foutu mal!